Feb 5, 2013

Full Moon on video!


Click on the link above and you can see a short story I wrote a few years ago  for Business Spotlight , brought to life by the combined story-telling skills of Vicki Hollett and Jay Silber. 
I think they've done a great job and something I particularly like is the way that you can point at any part of the text and listen to it on the video. If you want to work on your English listening skills or your pronunciation, then this site is very helpful - and a lot of fun!
Full Moon itself was inspired by The Twilight series - which goes to show that EL James (author of Fifty shades of Gray) was not the only person to be inspired by Stephanie Meyers's tales of wolves and vampires. But - in all modesty - my version is a lot funnier...


  1. It's a beautifully crafted tale with a great twist. We had a lot of fun making it. Thanks James!

  2. Wow, did you don that mask? Wonderful story.

  3. Dear Anne,
    Yes, that was me. It was lent me during a coaching course activity... the trainee coach had to try to coach the wolf and find out what his problem was with Little Red Riding Hood.
    Goddamn it she just got on my nerves with that goody-two-shoes stuff the whole time!

    James ;-)

  4. Really funny story! It will always come to my mind when I hear talking of diversity in real live :-)
    Vicky and Jay perform it so nicely. And no English student has to wonder about the right pronounciation any more!


What do you think?