Jan 27, 2013

Bah! I'm not well...

I've just sneezed on this screen, so I hope you don't catch anything. A debilitating cold has left me only half-functioning. Despite that, you'll all be pleased to know that my daughter and I managed to sort out her room. The horror!
However the next chapter is only half finished and I am now going to bed to feel sorry for myself. I will try to finish the rest of it very soon. While researching for some of the content I ran across a fascinating American philosopher called Edward Abbey who died in the 1980s. He was kind of a modern day Henry Thoreau I suppose, and there were some great quotes I found of his. The best I'm saving for the chapter, so you'll have to be patient. But this is one I like a lot too:  

"Society is like a stew. If you don't stir it up once in a while then a layer of scum floats to the top."

Isn't that great?


  1. Hi James,

    I hope you are well again.
    How did you run into Edward Abbey? I own two or three of his books and went to look for them in the depths of the book shelf.
    Besides beeing a philospher and author he has been an eco-activist and a rather radical one, I think.
    And funny as well. In "The Monkey Wrench Gang" he describes that his heroes measured highway distances in sixpacks of beer, e.g. "Tucson to Flagstaff, three six-packs". And a few pages later throwing the empty beer cans out of the car window.
    Apparently Edward Abbey thought that ecological destruction ist not a question of personal well-behaviour.


  2. I think he would probably have been quite an uncomfortable person to know, but the things I've read about him were interesting. If he were alive now, though, I wonder if he would have joined forces with the "all-Government-is-evil" American view and would have been all in favour of making sure everybody had access to automatic weapons of mass destruction? Quite probably.
    I think it's very difficult for us in Europe to really understand the isolationist back-to-the-backwoods streak in US culture. I recently read a great article by a writer Jon Ronson in a book called 'Them - adventures with extremists' (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Them:_Adventures_with_Extremists)and found myself starting to feel that what seems like us to be paranoia is maybe not as bonkers as it seems.
    I still can't see the necessity for having anti tank weapons in my cellar though.


What do you think?