Oct 29, 2012

This is what happens...

Poznan, Poland
... when I think up a character! Timothy Arnold, the subject of the last post, will not leave me alone until I write his very own short story. Come back here on Wednesday and you will find out how Timothy got into the business of spying. Or what his case officer in the Department for  British Export Development (DeBED for short) prefers to call "non-domestic logistical research".


  1. Will "de-bed" on Wednesday looking forward to Timothy's story.

  2. Umh... could you de-bed round about 6pm? I swear I'll have it out by then. To titillate you, here is the first line:

    "Like most of the significant things that happened to him in his life, Timothy Arnold became a spy by accident."


  3. First I accidentally read 6am which would have been outside my reach but 6pm is no problem as I usually get up sometime late afternoon these days ... :-)

  4. Well I hope you notice I was on time ... frantically writing to make sure I was there for you when you got up.

  5. I like the Personal Secret of your character. I mean not yours of course but Timothy’s :o)

  6. Don't you dare tell anybody my secret!

    Anyway, lot's of people like Barry Manilow...



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