Sep 23, 2012

In the beginning … there was a schedule

With all the writing projects that I've worked on so far, I have always needed a schedule to make sure I actually get the words onto paper. So here is a sketchy schedule to get me going.

1) 01/10/12: Email the world about the existence of this blog.
2) 07/10/12: post a one page summary of the plot and define the main themes.
3) 31/10/12: define the key characters and flesh them out a bit. This is the part that could look really stupid at the end. As I write, my characters sometimes get out of hand and behave unpredictably. They change names, genders and undergo complete personality shifts or simply vanish. It’s very disturbing. Especially if they pop up in something else I might be trying to write.
4) 18/11/12: work out the stages of the novel and how many chapters I need for each.
5) 30/11/12: start chapter 1. Now comes a break because I can’t predict beyond this stage. Go and make yourself a cup of tea.
6) 25/12/12: maybe I’ll have completed a whole first draft, maybe I’ll still be wrestling with chapter 1, though if that is the case I think I’d better give up and stick to writing textbooks. Anyway, I’ll let you know closer to the time.
7) 01/02/13: finish researching the best way to publish this as an ebook using Amazon, iBooks etc.
8) 15/06/13: pull the rest of my hair out and complete the text.
9) 01/07/13: hold colossal launch party (possibly virtual).
10) By 01/08/13: close the blog.

During this process I'll write posts with parts of the story, questions about the structure that I'd like to discuss, and other bits and pieces that interest me around the topic of writing.

Does this sound plausible to you?


  1. Grats on your new blog, and the first steps in your latest venture - exciting stuff James. Looking forward to reading all about it.



    1. Thanks Evan. I shall have to write in a small role for you as a tribute to the provider of the first comment on this blog!

  2. Lucky Evan! But I'm the first lady...
    Good luck with the project. It'll be a sensation.

    1. And I think you'll make an excellent First Lady, Deborah. Move over Michelle Obama...

  3. Great project - happy to follow your progress and pest you with suggestions :)

    1. Thank you, Kate. I'm looking forward to being pestered.

  4. I am so proud! Hello everybody, I was his Mentor-Coach :o))

    1. Aww! Bless! We grow up so quickly, don't we?

  5. Great idea James!

    I'm looking forward to this blog with huge interest. I struggle for years with the plan to write a novel for myself. I'll be possible get inspired and motivated.

    Good luck :-)

  6. Anonymous2/1/13

    Have you read Stephen King's "On Writing", James. Especially the second part of the book. I bought a second-hand copy for a penny on Amazon. In case you didn't know, this book is apparently recommended on creative writing seminars. It's a real kick-in-the pants, wake-up call for budding authors. Very helpful to me.

  7. Dear Terry,

    Thanks for the tip, I shall get hold of it. I've read quite a lot of other books on the topic of writing. I have two favourites - Julia Cameron "The artist's way" and "Reading like a writer" by Francine Prose (you have to ask yourself if that's a pen name, don't you?)



What do you think?