Sep 24, 2014

Chapter 29 - The Inquisitor

Portrait of the Cardinal Inquisitor
Don Fernando Nino de Guevara
El Greco
It's difficult for a contemporary westerner to imagine the terror a character like Don Fernando on the left here wielded in the 16th century. For us, figures in the church (well, the Church of England at any rate) are seen as mostly benign and slightly ridiculous.
 Don Fernando was not that sort of churchman at all as you can read here if you are interested.
This portrait was the inspiration for the new character that makes his appearance in Chapter 29.

The story so far...
Celia is  preparing for the paintings to be moved from Istria to her studio at the Department for Conservation in Munich. Franz meanwhile has far bigger problems to deal with. Could he be going to jail?

Chapter 29 – The Inquisitor can be found on the right under 'Good stuff'.