Jan 26, 2014

Chapter 22 - The Reunion

The Lovers - Rider Waite
An interesting chapter for me this one, and one which ended quite differently from how I'd planned. I thought about having multiple scenes showing the activities of different people involved in the story, similar to Chapter 17 - Sunday plans. However, it seemed to me that the shock of what had happened to Celia in the previous chapter - Death on the Rialto, would cause an enormous emotional jolt to Franz, which is what he needs to get him out of his head.
So, I dropped everybody else and just focused on the two of them. This makes the chapter much shorter than any of the others and also means that from now on they can work as allies more effectively. Which they're definitely going to need to do.

The story so far: Celia narrowly escapes an assassination attempt in Venice, thanks to the help of some African street sellers. But how will Franz react when she tells him?

Chapter 22 – Reunion can now be found on the right under 'Good stuff'.

Jan 12, 2014

Chapter 21 - Death on the Rialto

The Rialto Bridge, Venice
Before I talk about chapter 21, a quick word of thanks to one of my readers. She pointed out that in chapter 20 I was starting to weaken Celia too much by making her so insecure about her appearance. The reader felt that by doing so I was seeking to explain her going to bed with Tomi as an attempt to win approval from a man and this made her look vain and trivial. 
This was not my intention, but I could see how it could look like that.
As a result I've adjusted the bedroom scene in chapter 20 quite a bit. You can see the new improved version on the right under 'Good Stuff'. I wanted to mention this as an example of how seriously I take people's feedback. Send me more!

Chapter 21 - Death on the Rialto. Long term readers of this blog will remember that I published an earlier version of this chapter about a year ago (yes, it is that long!). This version stays largely the same with some adaptations to take account of what has been written since then. Venice is one of my favourite cities (I wrote a novella several years ago called 'Peril in Venice' which you can find on Amazon here if you're interested) so I enjoyed writing it.

Audio files of both chapters are on the right under 'Good Stuff'.

The story so far ... After leaving Zagreb, Celia changes trains in Villach in order to go to Venice with Franz. What she doesn't realise is that the Colonel has sent somebody to follow her ...

Chapter 21 – Death on the Rialto can now be found under 'Good Stuff'.

Jan 6, 2014

Chapter 20 - The Storm

Storm clouds
The story so far ... Tomi has found the Colonel's first wife, Ivana and introduced her to Celia. From Ivana they find out that the Colonel was involved in smuggling arms into Croatia illegally in the 90s and that Ned was investigating the Colonel's connections to British arms manufacturers before he was killed. Ivana has kept some of the information that she collected about the Colonel's activities in order to protect her interests and Tomi asked if she would be willing to share it with them. Ivana says she'll think about it...  

Chapter 20 – Can be found on the right under 'Good Stuff'

Jan 1, 2014

Chapter 19 - Ivana Kaiec + audio file

Ivana Kaiec
A happy New Year to everybody who reads my blog and enjoys this story. It may be taking longer than I originally planned but I'm having fun and I hope you are too and will continue to drop in and read what's happening to Celia.

By the way, you can access the audio file here.

The story so far.... Colonel Kaiec cancels his appointment with Celia on Thursday morning at the last minute, which leaves her time to go and apologise to Tomi Lederer for the trouble she got him into. Tomi, however, has found somebody of great interest for Celia...

Chapter 19 – Can now be found on the right under 'Good Stuff'